Born in the streets
Inspiration is often born in the streets. Street Art, of course, is the living breathing evidence. Not long ago dismissed as vandalism, street art is now a ‘discipline’, taken seriously in the art world. The genre recently reached its pinnacle with a Google launched street-art project that has made the world’s most stunning wall and street art accessible to everyone.
Street Art
When travelling, I always enjoy ‘scouring’ the neighbourhoods looking for ‘street art centres’, or even the nooks and crannies that are just outside the limelight. More and more cities are designating wall space to artists, and, as an upshot, we’re seeing entirely new walking trails being created such as this one in Malaga ( or even whole districts reappearing on the map, such as in Miami ( The photo in this collage was made in Shoreditch, London. The face at the left is from the collection ‘thousand faces’ of Raul in The Cock Bull Gallery, London. Fashion, beauty and interior design at all levels have found each other in the street. The large image is from the October 2014 edition of Vogue UK. The catwalk image is by Christian Dior…