Ralston in Ireland

The Irish paint market and the Irish interior market have changed considerably in recent years. As more and more people are demanding more homes, the industry is driven to ensure that they can offer the necessary service, brands and expertise to meet their needs.

Pat McDonnell Paints is Ireland’s leading independent paint & decor retailer. It offers a unique range of services and promotes itself using the “We Care More. We Know More. We Have More.” Strapline.

Ralston is available exclusively through Pat McDonnell Paints eight stores which are strategically located throughout Ireland.

Pat McDonnell paint started with Ralston in 2018 and during the summer of that same year they received their customised Ralston colour books, colour cards and display panels to celebrate our brand in their stores.

The enthusiastic Pat McDonnell team continues to enjoy developing even in covid times. Especially for them, Ralston put together online training sessions that focused on manufacturing, paint raw materials and properties, drying mechanism and life span of the different Ralston paint systems. The occasional colleague or puppy in the picture made the picture complete and cosy.

Contact persons for Ireland

Jeroen Holthuis
Dutch, English, German
Mirjam Vierstra
Dutch, English, German, Spanish

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