Ralston w Holandii

The Ralston headquarters and production facilities are established in Zwolle, the Netherlands. The company operates 3 production factories, respectively for colour pastes, solvents and waterborne paints. In addition to Ralston paints and colour pastes the WIJZONOL series are produced at the factories in Zwolle.

Developments in the Netherlands

A colourful and unique temple is found in Den Helder (NL). Reaching 17 meters it is the only Hindu temple with tower in Europe that complies in detail with the measurements given in Hindu scriptures. Those same regulations require that the temple must not be repainted until after 12 years. That is why sustainable long-life paint was chosen to resist sea winds and discolouring. This specialist task was performed by eight artists from Sri Lanka using Ralston colour pastes and paints. A feat of international allure, based on Dutch craftsmanship.

Training courses in The Netherlands

Regular guided tours of the factories and colour lab are available. Product training courses can be organised also. Contact us about the options!

Hindu Temple in Den Helder, The Netherlands

Contact persons for The Netherlands

Sales & New Business Tinting Systems
Eric van Meerten
Dutch, English
Area Sales Manager Asia
Jolanda de Jong
English, German, Dutch
Mirjam Vierstra
Dutch, English, German, Spanish
Jeroen Holthuis
Dutch, English, German
Segment marketing manager Ralston
Egbert de Ruiter
German, English, Dutch
Inge Huizenga
Dutch, French, English, German
Daisy Seghers
Sales and technology Belgium, France
Daisy Seghers
Dutch, French, English
Area Sales Manager
Carsten Halfmann
Dutch, English
Margieneke Groen
Dutch, English, German

Reference projects in The Netherlands

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