New primary

Christine Boland
Als Trendanalystin schreibt Christine Boland einen Blog für Ralston: New Primary

Language of shapes

In this turbulent world, where everything is fast, layered and complex, a growing desire for simplification, transparency and clarity is noticeable. Designers create two-dimensional, simplified designs, infographics and icons.

Exactly one centuryago, there was some movement in language in shapes: Suprematism and constructivism in which everything is reduced to geometric shapes like circle, triangle and square in a limited number of colours.

Mondriaan, but a little more saturated

This is currently a major source of inspiration for fashion, design and interior. Comparing the logo of Google Chrome and Google Drive next to the artworks of suprematism shows the similarity.

The colour picture that arises reflects the desire for clarity and simplicity and seems to come ‚from the children colour box. It looks primary and you think of the Mondrian style, but then what more saturated. Base colours black, white and grey are colours.



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